Toronto-based singer-songwriter Kiiola (pronounced Ki-o-la), formerly known as Yukiko Tsutsui, was born and raised in Akita, Japan. Her music beautifully blends elements of folk, pop, jazz, and funk, infused with influences from traditional Japanese music. Kiiola’s voice resonates with freedom and harmony, creating a sound that is both unique and uplifting.
Happening now! Having a fun time with @donne_roberts and @kenyoshioka99 at @thelocaltoronto 🩷✨
We will be performing 2 more sets here today on Sunday, March 9 until 5 pm.
#torontolivemusic #torontomusicians #torontomusicscene #トロントの日本人 #originalsongs
3 days ago

We are beautiful no matter the situation we’re in. Whether we’re out or staying in, married or single, with or without children. No matter what we look like, how old we are, or whether we’re feeling up or down, every moment of being a woman is beautiful. Strong and beautiful.
Happy International Women’s Day! 🌼💕✨
#iwd2025 #accelerateaction #国際女性デー2025
5 days ago
My new favourite thing🥰 I added #orba2 by @artiphon to my gears! It’s so much fun, and I couldn’t resist getting it! You will see it at my upcoming gigs✨🎶
#artiphon #torontomusicians #musicgear #torontomusicscene #japanesesinger #torontolivemusic #トロントの日本人
3 weeks ago
A short clip from last night at Drom @dromtaberna !
Thank you so much for having us, and thank you so much for coming to see us despite the heavy snow! ❄️❄️ It’s always a great time performing here! 🔥
Donné @donne_roberts accompanied me with amazing guitar and backup vocals. I LOVE his funky stuff!!🔥🤩🎸🎉
I am looking forward to come back to this favourite stage for a performance!!💕🎶
Special thanks to @ratpapi96 for sound, you are the best🙏🏼✨
This is a song I wrote, Dirt & Lies. Stay tuned! I’ll be updating with more new songs.
#torontomusicians #torontomusicscene #japanesesinger #torontolivemusic #dromtaberna #トロントの日本人 #トロント生活 #liveperformance #torontomusicvenue
3 weeks ago
❄️Snow alert!❄️
But the show must go on! We totally understand that people can’t come to the concerts today, just let you know that we are ready!😂🔥🎶
Winterfolk Fest @winterfolktoronto
HughsRoomLive Alumni Relum to the Stage
with @donne_roberts
1 pm
Kiiola @dromtaberna
6 pm
with @donne_roberts and @hari.rmz
#torontomusicscene #torontomusicians #lifeintoronto #トロント生活 #theshowmustgoon #トロントの日本人
3 weeks ago
Thank you Winterfolk Fest @winterfolktoronto for having us! We performed on Friday as Kiiola & Donné Roberts @donne_roberts and Saturday as Donné Roberts Band! We’ll be there today at 1 pm at the main stage, for HughsRoomLive Alumni Relum to the Stage.
And evening, I’ll be performing at Drom Taberna @dromtaberna ! It’s going to snow but please come if you can!❄️🎶
#torontomusicians #torontomusicscene #torontomusicfestival #japanesesinger #トロントの日本人 #トロントの音楽シーン
4 weeks ago
It’s a snowy day but the festival tickets are sold out!! We will be performing for @donne_roberts band @winterfolktoronto from 8 pm🎶❄️
#torontomusicians #torontomusicscene #winterfolkfestival #torontolife
4 weeks ago
I wrote this song, “Dirt & Lies,” to be honest with myself and others. (I know I forgot to sing the ‘s’ in ‘Lies’!😅)
Sometimes I pretend to be too nice, too cute, or something else just to be liked by others.
But if I overdo it, it’s just a lie, and I feel like I’m covered in dirt. If I believe in others and allow myself to be honest with them, it could purify my feelings.
I’ll play this song on Sunday, February 16, with this setup. This is my first time playing with Ableton Live, and I’m so excited about it!
As a Japanese immigrant, I perform 80% original songs with Japanese lyrics and I wrote these songs about my experiences🇯🇵
Hope to see you at @dromtaberna 🥰 It’s PWYC, so no pressure!🎶
オリジナル曲の「Dirt & Lies」、今度の日曜2月16日に初公開します!
初めてAbleton Liveを使ってライブします。シンプルな操作から始めて、徐々にがっつり使えるようになりたい✨
Sunday, February 16 at 6 pm
Drom Taberna @dromtaberna
Kiiola @helloimkiiola (Vo & Kbd)
Donné Roberts @donne_roberts (Bk vo & Gtr)
Dina @hari.rmz (guest Bk vo)
Microphone: @lewittaudio #lct441flex
Headphones: @akgaudio #k240mkii
#torontomusicians #torontomusicscene #japanesesinger #torontolivemusic #dromtaberna #トロントの日本人
4 weeks ago
This weekend! I will be performing at the legendary @dromtaberna 🙏🏼✨🎶
A touch of Japanese folk song infusion and lots of original songs that I’ll unveil. Hope to see you on Sunday, February 16 at 6 pm🥰 PWYC🩷
今度の日曜2月16日18時、トロントのDrom Taberna @dromtaberna でライブ!我ら秋田人が誇るこの曲もレパートリーに入れ、オリジナル曲を中心に歌います。
#torontomusicscene #japanesesinger #torontolivemusic #torontomusicians #dromtaberna #秋田音頭 #トロントの日本人 #トロントライフ
4 weeks ago